[Quick Guide] Troll romance
items needed:
iron bar, maple logs
rope, cake tin, swamp tar
bucket of wax (GE or insect repellent on a beehive in Catherby + bucket)
2 stamina pots
if no stamina; 2+ energy potions for at the ice area
food, armor, weapon and pots to kill a cb 113 whom can max 38 with both melee and ranged but you can use a safespot to avoid taking any damage
Neitiznot shield should decrease the ranged max hit to 20
Climbing boots (if no Trollheim Teleport)
1 Trollheim
2 Troll stronghold
2 Burthope
1 quest completion
Quests: Troll Stronghold
skills: 28 agil and 40+ HP
0:00 – Intro
2:14 – Wants trollweiss
2:59 – Where is trollweiss
4:05 – What do I need to get trollweiss
5:00 – Going to get trollweiss
7:07 – Delivering trollweiss
8:29 – Boyfriend mad he didn’t get any trollweiss
9:59 – Completing trollweiss quest
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Slayermusiq1
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/slayermusiq1
Old School Runescape 2007 2007scape quest
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